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Over the past 15 years I have led and participated in a great many workshops and collaborative projects covering wide ranging subject areas.

This page is dedicated to evidencing some of this, as well as outlining the 'project' related extended responsibilities relating to my previous role and also showcasing some of the resources I have produced.

Please keep in mind that many of the resources below were developed while under extreme time constraints and multi-tasking within my role. Given time and resources I would like to make more 'polished' digital content.

Wherever possible I use free, Open Source applications and tools.

I recently put together a timeline of my relationship with digital technologies and the steps that went into building my current digital 'Personal Learning Environment' (PLE).  The PLE itself provides a useful insight into how I work and the timeline shows how and why I learn new things. The timeline and PLE can be found here:

This quote by L.P. Jacks has always resonated with me and I believe it captures the essence how I approach life, work and education:

The master in the art of living makes little distinction between his work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and his body, his education and his recreation, his love and his religion. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence at whatever he does, leaving others to decide whether he is working or playing. To him he is always doing both.

L.P Jacks

Some examples from my MA

Prezi  A presentation placing the student at the centre of learning theory as opposed to a peripheral:


Prototype website instructional design group project:

Using Compendium D for learning design: 

Learning design app development
Project Focus


I restarted the volunteer network at Open Doors in 2011, and have since then successfully provided classroom assistants and administration support by placing volunteers with staff.


In 2013, with the voluntary help of an ex trainee teacher with a journalism background, we started the school newsletter. One of the student volunteers took the role of editor and since then the newsletter has gone from strength to strength. It is still compiled and edited by student volunteers. An example of the February 2016 newsletter can be seen below. I am proud that this student gained so much confidence and self-esteem through this project that she went on to become a qualified teacher.


In September 2015, drawing from my existing networks I brought together a team of creative volunteers to run a storytelling project using creative writing and performing arts. The aim of the project was twofold: to enhance the language and communication skills of our students, and to enable them to tell their stories whether real life, traditional or fictional. The results of the project will be showcased via a book, performances and a DVD at the end of June 2016 during the city's Respect festival, with the goal of giving the students a voice to promote a fuller understanding of diverse cultures and better integration within the city.


Although the role of volunteer manager grew sufficiently for me to hand it over in January 2016, I continued to advise and contribute to both the newsletter and the creative project.


An initial interview of the drama project, filmed by a volunteer student, can be seen here:







Professional Development Activities


March 16 2017 - Article: IATEFL Teacher Training and Education SIG (special Interest group) Newsletter

I contributed an article on a low-tech teaching technique to tackle the minefield that comes under 'Methodology' in language teaching. At the time of the article I had just taken on a research commitment to developing an App so it was good to contrast this with some no-tech teaching strategies. The newsletter containing the article can be found by following the link above.

2013/ 15: Following my contribution in 2013 -14 as a member of the steering committee in setting the FE Professional Standards for teachers and Trainers - England, I was able to contribute further through creating a Professional Development plan for teachers based around the standards.  This project was supported by The Education and Training Foundation as part of a series of 'How To' guides for the Professional Teaching Standards. 
I led the Open Doors contribution, with Third Sector organisations in mind. A refined version of the Professional Development booklet  now also appears in the e-workbook on the Education and Training Website as well as on the Excellence Gateway along with a draft outline for using the standards to support teacher observation.

Attendance Certificates, Professional Development Logs (previous to 2014), and evidence of attendances.

I have included this selection of records in order to evidence some of the events, workshops and training sessions I have attended, both recently and prior to the information given above. Additional certificates, workshop details and evidence of attendance are available on request.




In addition to attending regular internal management and teachers meetings, I also attend various meetings off site as a representative of the school. Some of these I have listed below, together with workshops I have attended over the past two academic years. This is not an exhaustive list but does include the more relevant, prominent and in-depth meetings and workshops.

I was also responsible for staff professional development at the school and as such delivered regular workshops on a great variety of topics and subject areas.


Workshop and training attendance certificates can be viewed at the bottom of the page. Further information can be given on request.

February - June 2017 - Although it was paid research I consider the set up and populating of the Moodle App as a professional development activity as it was not something I had previously done. The case study will be available in due course on The Excellence Gateway in the Outstanding Teaching and Learning research resources section. 

4th February 2017 - Begin module 1 of Open University Masters in Online and Distance Education. Module 1 is "Technology Enhanced Learning"

22nd October 2016 - English UK Southwest Annual Conference. Workshops attended included: Steve Hirschhorn - What's Happened to Initial Teacher Training? David Crystal - Q&A session. Lorraine Kennedy - coaching for success at Work.

May - June 2016 - Development and delivery of three day train the trainer workshop for handover of Diploma TESOL. Resources based online via Moodle and face to face for full supported handover of course.

4th February 2016 - Professional Exchange meeting comprising a full day event for members of the TELL (Teacher Educators in Lifelong Learning) network. Meeting held at Learning SouthWest, Taunton and focused on the topics of professionalism, sustainability and the future of the sector.


28th January 2016 - Full day at Cornwall Chamber of Commerce event, St Austell, organised on behalf of the China- Britain Business Council. The event focused on Digital Marketing, Branding and E-commerce in China.


20th January 2016 - Attendance at a Secure English Language Test Centre, London with the aim of better understanding the procedures involved and the Home Office requirements.


15th January 2016 - Granted Fellow Membership of the Society for Education and Training  in recognition of my contributions to the sector. Membership number: AB070721


14th January 2016 - Devon Director of Studies annual general meeting.


11th - 13th January 2016 - Hosting of teachers from Uzbekestan including arranging a programme of observations and information sharing with our teachers. Organised through our collaboration with the University of st Mark and St John.


24th November 2015 - Plymouth Chamber of Commerce meeting. A networking event with speakers focusing on exporting services and goods.


4th November 2015 - Full day event 'Learning with iPad'. Organised by Western computers focused on educational uses and applications.


26th October 2016 - Trinity College London Regional Centre Day. A full day for providers to come together and share best practice and innovations.


24th October 2015 - Full day event. Annual conference organised by English UK South West & Devon Directors of Studies. I attended three sessions all focusing on my interest in using technology to enhance teaching and learning:  Russell Stannard, 3 Key technologiesthat can impact on teaching and learning; Jamie Keddie, Withholding the image; Russell Stannard, The Flipped classroom


15th October 2015 - meeting with TESOL department from the University of st Mark and St John to discuss our marketing strategy.


1st October 2015 - Future of Initial Teacher Training - teacher educators forum. Full day event for professionals from diverse educational settings to come together and explore current issues. Based at Learning South West, Taunton.


21st September 2015 - Hosting a visit from the Head of English at UCBC (Universidad Chileno-Británica de Cultura), Santiago, Chile.


14th September 2015 - Prevent online training for Leaders and Managers.


10th September 2015 - Safeguarding online training.


18th - 19th June 2015 - Attendance at British Council two day training on delivery of IELTS (International English Language Testing Systems) in order to 'cascade' the information to our teachers.


16th June 2015 - Attendance at UK Trade and Industry Event, Bristol. Focus on international export of goods and services and identifying strands of support and funding.


August 2015 - In response to the refugee crisis in Europe and the media coverage within the UK I made a short video using the experiences of our trainees to try to educate the British public:








21st May 2015 - Attendance at full day event organised by SouthWest CETT (Centres of Excellence in Teacher Training). Focus on planning for training.


15th May 2015 - Meeting with the Vice Chancellor of the University of St Mark and St John to discuss future collaboration.


12th - 18th April 2015 - Visit to China with our CEO and the Prinicipal, Head of HE and Registrar from Plymouth College of Art. The purpose of the visit was to forge links with Universities, specifically arts based institutions, to generate international business for both organisations. During the visit we signed memorandums of agreement with four universities and the results are now coming through in terms of student visitors to our organisations. View the video I made to inform our staff and trustees about the visit: 
















27th March 2015 - Prevent training delivered by Plymouth Council Prevent officers.


11th March 2015 - Safeguarding sharing of good practices. Event organised by Devon Director of Studies Association.


5th March 2015 - Attendance and delivery at 'Gadjets and Gizmos' training day at Plymouth Guildhall. Organised by the Third Sector National Learning Alliance and centred around embedding technology into the curriculum. The slot I delivered  focused on using Virtual Learning Environments. Other slots focused on: 'Using mobile apps to support learning' from Segun Fayase/ELATT and 'Foraging for Technology' from Julia Taylor and Kevein Sharp - JISC.


17th & 18th February 2015 - Visit to a similiar organisation based in London for sharing of best practice and for me to deliver the new National Professional Standards for Teachers and Trainers in England and how they can be used for tracking and implementing professional development, staff appraisals and observations.


4th February 2015 - Annual General Meeting of the Devon Director of Studies Association. Planning CPD events for the coming year.


29th & 30th January 2015 - Hosting of a Chinese delegation including the Principal from Wuzhou University, China.


16th January 2015 - Online meeting to review our partnership with Education First.


23rd October 2014 - Plymouth Chamber of Commerce networking event.


13th to 17th October 2014 - Visit to Amsterdam with European Project Partners from six countries. Visit focus on innovative use of technology. Led by the Spanish contingent, the project name was 'Abriendo Puertas'.


22nd September 2014 - Meeting with representative from UK Trade and Industry to identify possible government strands of funding and support.


Although the items below fell in previous academic years, I do feel that is is importantant to give specific mention the following:


I attended a two day workshop in London, hosted and funded by a private philanthropic family. the focus of the workshop was how to find funding streams and writing funding applications. i have previously and since written a number of successful funding applications for the school.


I also attended a two day workshop hosted by UK Trade and Industry. The title of this event was 'Passport to Export' and the focus was on how to internationalise business.


Between 2010 - present I have delivered the internal professional development sessions at the school. These have included: Presenting new language, Encorporating pronunciation, Teaching with fun and games, Mentor training, Embedding ICT, M-learning, Effective use of Individual Learning Plans, Storytelling in teaching and learning, Embedding Equality and Diversity, Using the New Professional Teaching Standards for observations and professional development action plans, Planning schemes of work, and a wide range of other topics.

I have also delivered a number of these sessions to external organisations.


The scope of my educational interest and my enthusiasm for harnessing emerging web technologies can be seen, to some extent, through my online collection of bookmarks. The word-cloud below, which is proportionally based on the tags I have used, shows that although there is significant diversity in my collection of resources the heavy focus is on teacher training and English language teaching as these are my current primary roles. The tags can be seen in full and accessed online by clicking on the picture



























Web based applications I have more extensively used for educational purposes include:
Animoto. Used for a variety of purposes including recording events, storytelling and marketing. The examples below are:

1. A group of trainees preparing for their language exam. The video was made for them to use as a revision tool.

2. A sequence of photos taken during a collaboration session with diploma trainees pooling their knowledge using both pre-prepared prompts and their own ideas. The purpose was for it to later serve as a lightweight memory prompt for them: 

























Bubble. A collaborative mindmapping tool. Click on the image below to view the mindmap on 'Application of ICT' in full online:



























Voicethread. A collaborative 'thought sharing' multi-media application, used in the example below by Diploma TESOL groups: 
















Screencast video tutorials. The tutorials I have created can be accessed via the link below. Most of these have been made to help teachers to develop their IT skills and knowledge:


Video tutorials created using ipad. The examples below focus on aspects of grammar:



































Padlet. Online sticky notes used in the example below for a newly formed group to set their own 'groundrules':























Powtoon. Presentation app used here for simple marketing:

















Final Cut Express. Used for general video editing. The first two examples below are both profiling trainees and were used as marketing videos. The third is an information video for trustees and collaborators:

















































Prezi.  An alternative presentation tool used below for a staff introduction to individual Learning Plans.



























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